Japan's first tank-mounted inverter screw compressor.
It is attractive because it saves energy by being equipped with an inverter and high-efficiency motor (equivalent to IE4), and is compact despite being equipped with an air tank. 


This single unit provides a stable supply of compressed air for several processing machines in an energy-saving and space-saving manner.
Highly efficient inverter control with a built-in large capacity tank allows for flexible response to increases and decreases in consumption.


・10% larger capacity than reciprocating processors (compared to our 11kW model)
・Equipped with IE4 class high-efficiency motor
・Equipped with inverter control to save energy at any time
・Built-in large capacity tank, so you can rest assured even with fluctuations in consumption


format[Electric motor] Output [kW]Control pressure lower limit [MPa]Control pressure upper limit [MPa]Discharge air volume 50Hz/60Hz [㎥/min][Electric motor] Power supply
LRST-751 7.5 0.83 1.00 0.9 AC200V
LRST-1101 11 0.83 1.00 1.45 AC200V
LRST-1501 15 0.83 1.00 2 AC200V


・The amount of air discharged is the average value of the amount of air discharged at maximum pressure converted to the suction state (atmospheric pressure).
Please contact us for guaranteed values.
-Noise values ​​are values ​​converted to anechoic room conditions. Noise levels vary depending on the customer's usage environment.
Note) Specifications are subject to change without notice due to product improvement.